The Armory Modifications

Client: The Armory ModificationsDate: June 2015

The Armory Modification is a series of custom theater modifications for the 2014 game Insurgency. With over 15,000+ unique subscribers on Steam Workshop it is one of most well known modifications for the game. This site covers all the important parts of the modification including: how to play, about & features, media and the different versions available.

The Armory Mod - Gaming Modifications for Insurgency
The Armory Mod - Gaming Modifications for Insurgency

This one page website incorporates it all, from a video background entry with a "How to Play Guide" to a fully intuitive included weapon inventory system. Also included is media which includes screenshots from both in-game and asset views and all the different versions of the modification throughout it's releases.

Weapons Inventory Database
Weapons Inventory Database

The weapons inventory database has an extremely user friendly front-end design, with a fully functional back-end giving the ability for the every day user to add more items without the knowledge of programming.

Interactive & Responsive Image Gallery
Interactive & Responsive Image Gallery

The interactive and responsive image gallery scales well along all devices: Desktops, tablets and phones. The gallery also features a lightbox feature, so when you click an image it is enlarged and brought to the forefront.